Directed by 奇道ぱーぷる(KIDDO PURPLE a.k.a SHEART)
Illustration by Erika Ito(
Loop Movies by Chris De la Rocha from Ribbit Ribbit Studios(
(English Information is available below)

Pro. by 奇道ぱーぷる(KIDDO PURPLE a.k.a SHEART)
Lyrics :

MC, DJ, Key”Vo”ard, ヒューマンビートボックス, MPC, パーカッション, オカリナの7名から成る”架空の”バンド:Baile de Aire(バイレ・デ・アイレ)。

イメージイラストを手掛けたのは、独特なタッチで唯一無二の世界観を描くErika Ito氏。
氏のイラストを元に、世界を股にかける映像クリエイター:Chris De la Rocha氏が、VJユースな映像のループを製作。

2月には第二弾となる楽曲『HS 〜ヘブンスマイル〜』が公開予定。

Kiddo Purple, the music producer, begins his new project.
An INVISIBLE band, named Baile de Aire, plays their own sound with MC, DJ, Key”Vo”ard, Human Beat Box, MPC, Percussion, and Ocarina.
And here is their first song “Lost ~A Fake Mask~”

They sing about an emotional conflict in this song.
Everybody have a MASK to seek their real emotion because they can avoid conflict by using that.
However, people start to think like “wait, WHERE is my real emotion?”.
While they have that kind of question, nobody can live without a Mask
This is the main topic of this song, but sorry, this song is in Japanese only…

Erika Ito, a illustrator, draw an image illust. of this song, and Chris De la Rocha, a movie maker, made a visual loops.
By using these elements, Kiddo Purple constructs a music video.
Next song would be launched in Feb.
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